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Balisong Flipping’s $1000 CLONE-MOD CHALLENGE


Think you’ve got what it takes to do more than just complain behind a keyboard?


Want to improve and contribute positively to your Balisong Community?


Can you make an affordable starter balisong that’s somewhere between a FlipFinz and a Squiddy? 


Create a glow-able, functional, balisong that is marketable and available for sale within 30-days, for under $25 per unit. 


MOQ: 100 production units ready for shipment on release day (no pre-orders/pre-payment allowed). 


Must be commercially available for sale on a published public website, with valid business license, sales tax collection, local tax registration, and meet all applicable codes and regulations.  Cannot infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of any existing product.  Makers encouraged to apply for USPTO protection as desired. 


Pre-registration required to start official 30-day timer.  Frequent progress updates via video are appreciated, minimum weekly updates via video are required and will be used in promotional advertising without requiring any further granting of license/permission.   


$100 non-refundable registration fee grants email/text access to Q&A engineering, materials selection assistance, and business operations and solutions.       


Judgment: Must pass ten “serious flippers on Reddit” inspection (i.e., they cannot shit on it and must state their holy balisong reputation on it being “better than a Glo-Mod”) – Serious Flippers must have at least 1000 Comment Karma ::eye roll:: or 1000 YT subscribers to participate in official vote and publicly post a video of them flipping it within 30 days of first commercial drop.  Video must clearly show face and of course cover tap and play as those are very important.  Misuse of #balisongsale hashtag voids entry. 


First successful winner of the challenge is guaranteed to sell $1000 worth of winning Clone-Mods upon official declaration of winning status as $1000 worth of winning Clone-Mods will be direct purchased and donated to viewers of the Balisong Flipping Channel/members of this Website.  Shipping/handling charges by lucky recipients may be required.  International shipping available at standard USPS rates.       


Good luck!


p.s. you don’t NEED this challenge to do any of the above – you can go out and innovate all on your own too nothing is stopping you except your own attitude! 

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3053067470 - freebalisongs @ gmail - 11419 W Palmetto Park Rd  # 971074 Boca Raton, FL 33497 USA

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